Freelancer Action Hooks

Freelancer is packed with useful action hooks that allow you to easily add to and remove different sections of the framework. Below is a list of all theme-specific action hooks available in Freelancer.

  • freelancer_before
  • freelancer_after

These hooks are located before and after the entire visible site, directly after the opening body tag and directly before the closing body tag (and right outside the .site div wrapper).

  • freelancer_before_header
  • freelancer_header
  • freelancer_after_header

These hooks are located right after the .site div (which similar to the body wrap contains the entire site, just inside the body).

  • freelancer_in_header 
  • freelancer_in_header_main
  • freelancer_site_branding_logo
  • freelancer_site_branding_text
  • freelancer_site_title
  • freelancer_site_description
  • freelancer_in_header_menu

These hooks are located “inside” the freelancer_header hook, providing easy add/remove capability for the various Header elements.

  • freelancer_before_site_content
  • freelancer_after_site_content

These hooks are located before and after the entire main content area, wrapping the post/page content, sidebar, comments, etc…

  • freelancer_before_content_area
  • freelancer_after_content_area
  • freelancer_before_content
  • freelancer_after_content

These hooks are located before and after the post/page content area only, not including the sidebar. The first two are right outside the .content-area div, while the second two are right inside that div, and right outside the .site-main div, which is the div that wraps around the loop hooks.

  • freelancer_before_loop
  • freelancer_loop
  • freelancer_after_loop

These hooks are located right inside the .site-main div and house all of the post/page hooks and content.

  • freelancer_before_while
  • freelancer_after_endwhile

These hooks are located before and after the post while() loop.

  • freelancer_before_entry
  • freelancer_after_entry

These hooks are located before and after the main article element. As far as HTML is concerned these hooks are located in the same location as the before and after while() loops hooks, but as far as PHP is concerned these hooks are INSIDE the loop while the before/after while hooks are OUTSIDE the loop.

  • freelancer_entry_header
  • freelancer_inside_entry_header
  • freelancer_post_meta_top

The entry header hook is located at the beginning of the post area, right before the entry content. The inside entry header and post meta top hooks are located “inside” the entry header hook.

  • freelancer_entry_header
  • freelancer_inside_entry_footer
  • freelancer_post_meta_bottom

The entry footer hook is located at the end of the post area, right after the entry content. The inside entry footer and post meta bottom hooks are located “inside” the entry footer hook.

  • freelancer_before_entry_content
  • freelancer_entry_content
  • freelancer_after_entry_content

The outer two of these hooks are located in essentially the same areas, structurally, as the entry header/footer hooks, but they come right after and right before those hooks. They could be seen as a bit redundant, but for consistency in naming and ease of remembering locations, they’re included. The freelancer_entry_content hook is located right inside the .entry-content div and house all of the core post/page content hooks and content.

  • freelancer_404_entry_content
  • freelancer_no_entry_content

These hooks are located after the endwhile hook (therefore outside the post loop) and outside the article container. They are basically there for hooking in content to display when a page is not found (404) or there is no other content to display.

  • freelancer_before_comments
  • freelancer_comments
  • freelancer_after_comments
  • freelancer_before_comment_form
  • freelancer_comment_form
  • freelancer_after_comment_form

These hooks are located right inside the .comments-area div and are used to build out both the main comments and comment form elements.

  • freelancer_before_sidebar
  • freelancer_sidebar
  • freelancer_after_sidebar

These hooks are located right inside the aside.sidebar.widget-area wrapper.

  • freelancer_before_footer
  • freelancer_footer
  • freelancer_after_footer
  • freelancer_in_footer
  • freelancer_credits

These hooks are located right outside the .site-content-container div and right inside the closing .site div.  The main before/footer/after hooks are using to build out the main footer area, while the in footer and credits hooks are located “inside” the freelancer_footer hook.